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If you have a PC ... you will need to download the free Plug-In QuickTime in order to see the videos. Last but not least, a right-click on your track-pad or mouse will allow you to dowload and save the file to your computer. On Mac, simply click the control key (ctrl) of your keyboard while selecting the file and you're done ! Be patient ! some videos are a bit heavy. The price of Pleasure.

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An extraordinary rudra veena player. I think he was the father of Rais Khan.

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadBhairavi (Alap), Bin
(Mohamad KHAN (Binkar))

3.4 MB3:44 min
downloadHanskankani (Alap), Bin
(Mohamad KHAN (Binkar))

3.4 MB3:42 min


A 78rpm archive.

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadVasant Alap (Bin ?)
(Birendra Kishore Roy CHOWDHURY (Bin ?))

2.8 MB3:03 min
downloadVasant Jhala (Bin ?)
(Birendra Kishore Roy CHOWDHURY (Bin ?))

2.8 MB3:02 min


78rpm archive

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadDarbari (Alap) Bin
(Abdul Karim KHAN (Bin))

2.7 MB2:56 min
downloadPiloo (Alap, Jod) Bin
(Abdul Karim KHAN (Bin))

2.7 MB2:58 min


Manohar BarveA 78rpm archive of Manohar Barve who used to perform on a number of instruments.

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadDarbari (Aochar, Drut Teental) kazoo
(Manhar BARVE (Musical Submarine = Kazoo))

3.2 MB3:30 min


Pannalal GhoshVery few LP records were existing.

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
(Pannalal GHOSH)

8.4 MB9:08 min
(Pannalal GHOSH)

21 MB22:58 min
(Pannalal GHOSH)

12.7 MB13:49 min
downloadSivendra Madhyam
(Pannalal GHOSH)

2.9 MB3:10 min


78rpm archive. No description available.

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadBhairavi (harmonium) Alap
(Balaram SINGH (harmonium))

3.9 MB4:17 min


Hari Prasad ChaurasiaAn abundant discography is available. Do get the CDs !

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadDhun U.P. Folk Tune - Deepchandi, Kaharwa
(Hari Prasad CHAURASIA)

11.7 MB12:44 min
downloadYaman - (1) Vilambit Ektal
(Hari Prasad CHAURASIA)

21 MB22:58 min
downloadYaman (2) - Jhaptal, Drut Teental
(Hari Prasad CHAURASIA)

20.3 MB22:06 min


78rpm disc. No description available.


DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadHindol Bahar (flute)
(D. AMEL (flute))

3.6 MB3:53 min
downloadMisra Piloo (flute)
(D. AMEL (flute))

3.6 MB3:55 min


Faculty of Performing Arts, BHUDiploma & Degree course in Music & Dance

Prospectus of Studies 1978--79, Faculty of Performing Arts, Banaras Hindu University (french translation)

Traduction française, par l'admin, du programme d'études à la Faculty of Performing Arts de l'Université Hindoue de Banaras

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Caricature of Patrick Moutal playin'sitar

Patrick Moutal CV (French)


Patrick Moutal CV (English)

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Résultats obtenus à l'Université Hindoue de Bénarès (B.H.U.)

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Detail of qualifications obtained in B.H.U. (Banaras Hindu University)

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