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moutalordifenetreJ'espère que vous trouverez ce que vous cherchez et surtout ce que vous ne cherchiez pas !  Vous pouvez cliquer dans les RSS pour être informés des nouveaux articles.

Hope you'll find what you're looking for and especially what you were not expecting ! You may suscribe to RSS to be informed on new blog entries.

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Please, be ethical ! Never publish mp3 and videos of the site on YouTube or the like

Caricature de Patrick Moutal devant ordi

J'espère que, sur ce SIte, vous trouverez ce que vous cherchez et surtout ce que vous ne cherchiez pas !  Vous pouvez cliquer dans les RSS pour être informés des nouveaux articles.


Hope that, on this Site, you'll find what you're looking for and especially what you were not expecting ! You may suscribe to RSS to be informed on new blog entries.

Indian Music section is partly in English, rest of the sections are in French. I hope you will understand and forgive me. I don't have time to translate the whole thing and since I am back in the ol'France, I have again become used to think and write in this language - which I still deeply love for its literature and humor.
