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André Minvielle

Un chanteur hors-norme et virtuose, au croisement du jazz, de la musique trad, du rap, du scat etc ... et un excellent percussioniste. Un Artiste donc un poête, un penseur, un fabriquant, un acteur de vie. Ecoutez ce fabuleux chanteur gascon dans ses oeuvres, avec la Compagnie Lubat. Les extraits sont tirés d'un CD " Scatrap Jazzcogne ".

Do listen to this fabulous gascon singer, with the Compagnie Lubat. Excerpts are taken from a CD, "Scatrap Jazzcogne" : You won't waste time listening to this unparalleled singer, half-way between jazz, traditional music, rap, scat etc. and an excellent percussionist. An artist - therefore a poet, a thinker, a maker, an actor of life. Do listen to this fabulous gascon singer, with the Compagnie Lubat. Excerpts are taken from a CD, " Scatrap Jazzcogne " :

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
(Compagnie Lubat dй Gasconha)

5.9 MB4:12 min
downloadLos Gojats
(Compagnie Lubat dй Gasconha)

7.8 MB6:14 min
downloadMme Mimi (Bloomdido)
(Compagnie Lubat dй Gasconha)

5.2 MB3:27 min
(Compagnie Lubat dй Gasconha)

5.8 MB4:07 min



They did it. Train trips have become much shorter for me, listening to their duet. David allowed me to put one piece online. It was tough choosing: The seven pieces of "Retro" are all superb. Well, I finally opted for "So in love" composed by Cole Porter. That should incite you to get the full album.

David Friedman & Peter Weniger


SKP 9097-2

SKIP Records

Made in Germany

DownloadNamePlaySize Length
downloadSo In Love
(David Friedman & Peter Weniger)

12.8 MB11:11 min


Watch also two videos of their duet.

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