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Bhimsen Joshi (vocal)
Vilambit ektal (12 beats) and a drut teental (16 beats cycle) in rag Gaud Sarang. 18:14
Kishori Amonkar (vocal)
Madhya teental & addha in Gaud Sarang. 29:32 of musical bliss !
Kumar Gandharva (vocal)
A beautiful teental in rag Gaud Sarang by the master. 05:50
Mallikarjun Mansur (vocal)
A 1986 LP archive of 04:45 of rag Gaud Sarang
- Want more Gaud Sarang outstanding versions ?
Azambai of Kolhapur (vocal)
D. V. Paluskar (vocal)
Krishnarao Shankar Pandit (vocal)
Sabri Khan (sarangi)
Zohrabai (vocal)
Connoisseurs will appreciate !
Recette de cuisine !
Ou comment faire du ghee . A trois quarts d'heure du bonheur ! Musique et nourriture sont du même ordre. A votre piano !

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J'espère que les problèmes de ces derniers mois concernant l'envoi de la Newsletter ne sont plus maintenant qu'un mauvais souvenir et que tous les utilisateurs enregistrés du site la recevront. Un simple mot pour en accuser réception me fera plaisir et me rassurera. Merci d'avance !
Get the books !!!
Comparative Study of Hindustani Ragas (v.I)
Volume I. Revised and Augmented version. Paperback. 472 pages.
The book was no longer available for a number of years (last edition in Delhi, was 1997). I decided to take the matter in my hands and to work on it. That did mean a stupendous amount of work and I am proud and happy to see it out today. The whole thing was redone with proper typography (like for the other books), a number of new tables were added etc... Out of the taxonomy of Hindustani repertoire, 74 raga-s have been described in detail. They pertain to 5 anga-s "families": Kalyan, Sarang, Bhairav, Gauri and Kanada. Remaining are miscellaneous raga-s. Like for my other books, Hindi svarlipi (music notation) has been used ! But, by now, you should be quite familiar with it ;-). Have a look to the pdf showing Contents and small excerpts . It may be ordered from the site. If you wish to get several copies of the same or different books, please, do drop a mail so that I may calculate cheapest shipping rates for your country.
ISBN 978-2-9541244-2-1
32€ (shipping charges extra / port en sus)
Hindustani Raga-s Index
Major bibliographical references (descriptions, compositions, vistara-s) on North Indians Raga-s
Revised and augmented version. Paperback. 296 pages
As for Comparative Study, this book had never been reprinted since 1991 and I rewrote the whole work, adding four books to the analytical bibliography : 2 excellent books of Jaisuklal Shah : Sarang ke prakar, Bhairav ke prakar and my 2 books : Hindustani Gata-s compilation and Comparative Study (vol. I).
This work will prove quite useful to all musicians, scholars and students who need to consult the main contemporary texts on raga-s descriptions, compositions and melodic movements. Browsing through the many tables of contents of these works in order to extract required information, is a time consuming activity and it will be a tremendous time-saver for consultation.
It covers 3 260 bibliographical references of 704 names of raga-s found in 37 devanagari texts in 86 volumes by 23 major authors on Hindustani music.
Go read some excerpts and its Index and order your copy if you've got some of these books !
In case you wish to order two or more books in same parcel, please do mail me so that cheapest shipping rates may be applied.
ISBN 978-2-9541244-3-8
26€ (shipping charges extra / port en sus)
Hindustani Gata-s Compilation
Instrumental themes in North Indian Classical Music
First Edition. Paperback. 372 pages.
454 gata-s (instrumental themes) on 164 raga-s.
They come from miscellaneous sources : late Pandit Lal Mani Misra, Dr. K.C. Gangrade and his past masters (Ustad Rustam Khan, Pandit Dinkar Rao Patwardhan, Pandit Shankar Rao Telang), doctorate of sitar compositions I wrote, themes by various instrumentalists and a few transcribed vocal bandishes. They have all been written in Bhatkhandeji's svaralipi - music notation system - the only suitable way to write down Indian Music. It will be very fast and fun (hardly 1/2 an hour), for non Hindi readers, to learn the mere 12 symbols needed to decode the whole compilation. Could you dream of writing a sonata or a jazz theme in Indian notation ?
Rush to the site article and order your copy !
Cet ouvrage présente 454 gata-s ou thèmes instrumentaux sur 164 raga-s. Ils proviennent de diverses sources : Pandit Lal Mani Misra, de Dr. K. C. Gangrade, de ses anciens maîtres, mes propres thèmes composés pour le doctorat de sitar, etc. Ils sont écrits dans le système de Pandit Bhatkhande (svarlipi), le seul parfaitement adapté à la notation de la musique de l’Inde. Son apprentissage est ludique et facile : il suffit de mémoriser 12 signes (7 notes de musique et 5 signes de métrique correspondant aux mouvements du plectre ou de l’archet) ! Heu ... rêveriez-vous d'écrire une sonate ou un thème de jazz en notation indienne ? Enfin, pas besoin d'avoir une agreg d'anglais pour comprendre le texte, essentiellement composé de thèmes.
Le seul véritable challenge pour le lecteur sera de donner vie à ces squelettes de thèmes. Pour ce faire, il devra se remémorer les caractéristiques du raga.Alors seulement, le thème sera pleinement représentatif, les improvisations seront « dedans » et le raga deviendra un être mélodique vivant. Heu ... rêveriez-vous d'écrire une sonate ou un thème de jazz en notation indienne ?
Allez lire le sommaire, quelques extraits et dépéchez vous de commander votre exemplaire sur le site !
ISBN 978-2-9541244-1-4
28€ TTC (shipping charges extra /frais de port en sus) Please ! France is NOT in USA !!! an angel flies by ...