Hari Prasad Chaurasia (flute)

An LP record
Ref. ECSD-2388 (EMI) dated 1968 in which Panditji performs a rupak and a drut teental (09:26)
Nikhil Banerjee (sitar)
A rare LP record Ref.
ESP-165540 - Disque Esperance 1980, made in France by Musée (Oriental Arts Museum of Paris) in which Panditji plays an alap & vilambit teental (27:00) and a drut teental, accompanied by tabla wizard Anindo Chaterjee.
V.G. Jog (violin)

A recording taken from LP EASD-1352 (EMI) in which Jog Saheb plays an alap, a vilambit and a drut teental with Afaq Hussain Khan on tabla. (14:44)
More Desh archives !
For Desh, you will also find fabulous and rare vocal versions by :
Abdul Karim Khan (mp3)
Rashid Khan (video mp4)
Gauhar Jan (mp3)
Girija Devi (mp3)
Hirabai Barodekar (mp3)
Mehbubjan of Junagad (mp3)
and instrumental versions by :
Imrat, Vajahad, Shaafat Khan (video mp4)
Vilayat Khan, sitar (mp3)
Abdul Aziz Khan, vichitra veena (mp3)
Use the internal search engine of the site (moteur de recherche interne du site) to find a rag or the 2 pdf files in which audio / video archives have been sorted out by rag and by artist !
As updating the site and preparing the NewsLetter is a time-consuming affair, I feel exhausted and shall now rest with a glass of Champagne to celebrate ! Cheers everybody !