Bade Ghulam Ali Khan (vocal)
A superb rendering of Jaijaiwanti by the unequalled Bade Ghulam Ali Khan Saheb.
An All India Radio (AIR) archive release, SVCCD 123.
Bhimsen Joshi (vocal)

A drut ektal on Jaijaiwanti by Bhimsen Joshi. From PSLP 5465 record.
B.R. Deodhar (vocal)

A great scholar of Hindustani vocal music, he had been the Guru of Kumar Gandharva. Although quite an elderly man at the time of this recording, he had a fantastic bhav (feeling).
Teental. 04:12
Faiyaz Khan (vocal)

A real gem in this Jaijaiwanti rendering by the Master of Agra Gharana. LP 1411-001
Sya Ram Tiwari (vocal)

A Jod excerpt from a concert. 04:30 ... too short but great !
Vilayat Khan (sitar)

From an LP ASD 2460 recorded in 1969.
Imrat Khan (sitar)
A sitar duet of Imrat with his son Irshad Khan LP record EASD-1423 (1984). 26:45

Need more Jaijaiwanti archives ?
You will also find fabulous and rare vocal versions by :
Faiyaz Khan (78rpm) (mp3)
KesarBai Kerkar (mp3)
Mogubai Kurdikar (mp3)
Padmavati Shaligram (mp3)
Rajan & Sajan Misra (mp4)
and instrumental versions by :
Allaudin Khan (sarod) (mp3)
V. G. Jog (violin) (mp3)

Sorry for the delay in bringing out this Newsletter ! I was too engrossed finalizing this book (in french language). Didn't sleep much lately...
Le Livre Rouge est de retour !
Hindustani Raga Sangita - Mécanismes de base de la musique classique du Nord de l'Inde.
Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. 232 pages. (french).
Mon seul livre en français ! 4 autres (en anglais) vont suivre très prochainement ! Faites-vous un petit plaisir ! Il deviendra rapidement un Collector's ... A ce sujet, un exemplaire de la 1° édition (1987) d'occas est en vente sur Amazon en tant que "Collection" pour la modique somme de 120€ !!! une paille !
ISBN 978-2-9541244-0-7
24TTC (frais de port en sus)
Disponible en commande sur le site .