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Caricature of Moutal playing sitarSi vous avez un PC ... vous avez besoin de télécharger le Plug-In QuickTime (gratuit) pour pouvoir visionner les vidéos. Enfin, un clic-droit avec votre track-pad ou souris vous permettra de les télécharger. Sur Mac, appuyez sur la touche control (ctrl) de votre clavier tout en sélectionnant le fichier et le tour sera joué pour télécharger la vidéo. Armez-vous de patience ! certaines vidéos sont un peu lourdes. Le prix du Plaisir.

If you have a PC ... you will need to download the free Plug-In QuickTime in order to see the videos. Last but not least, a right-click on your track-pad or mouse will allow you to dowload and save the file to your computer. On Mac, simply click the control key (ctrl) of your keyboard while selecting the file and you're done ! Be patient ! some videos are a bit heavy. The price of Pleasure.

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Amarnathji is a sitarist from Banaras and was, in my days, the best performing radio artist on sitar in the whole of U.P.. He is also a friend and a very nice person.

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Vichitra veena. Poor image quality but interesting as there is practically no video recording of this too rare instrument magistrally played by late Lalmani Misra, his son, late Gopal Shankar Misra and Gopal Krishna of Delhi.

See next post for Lalmani Misra excerpts.

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